apn® - Shaping the future with innovative room acoustics solutions

With our apn® brand, we have made it our mission to develop and produce innovative room acoustics solutions with the highest design standards. Our product range includes versatile solutions for offices, hotels and restaurants, the medical sector, industry and education. In addition, our planning office designs and realizes apn® concepts projects realizes tailor-made office and acoustic concepts. Driven by our pioneering spirit, we strive to revolutionize the future of room acoustics and the design of new working environments.

By specializing in individual room acoustic solutions, we are able to create an intuitive approach to the product and the room situation. This results in sustainable solutions for individual products as well as complex room designs and future working and learning environments.

Learn more about us and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of room acoustics.

apn® product worlds

Always the right acoustic product for you
Our sound absorbers, movable walls and acoustic furniture are tailored to your needs and rooms. They can be flexibly combined with each other to ensure optimum sound absorption. With their modern, Nordic-clear design and a large selection of colors, our products are visually appealing and customizable.
Deckenabsorber, Deckensegel, Baffeldecke, apn Produktpalette

Ceiling absorber

Floating elements with maximum absorption performance

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Akustik Wandabsorber mit Stoffüberzug

Wall absorber

Enormous minimization of sound reflections on the walls

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Akustikabsorber Raumtrennung Designlösung

Room layout

Sound-absorbing partitions, room dividers, furniture and table tops

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Akustikmöbel Rahmengestell mit Akustikabsorbern

Acoustic furniture

Highly effective solutions regardless of the room conditions

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Akustikleuchte Ambientbeleuchtung für Decke und Wand

Acoustic lights

Uncompromising fusion of acoustic absorbers and lighting

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individuelle Akustiklösungen für den Objektbau


Individual and unique acoustic design objects

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apn® projects

Project-related solutions and holistic planning

apn® News

Always up to date

Reise. Großer, offener heller Raum mit blauen Wandabsorbern und weißen Akustik-Deckensegeln. Darüber eine grüne semitransparente Fläche mit dem Schriftzug Wissenswertes über uns

Our journey – interesting facts about apn®

In the midst of the economic crisis in 2009, our captain embarked on the journey of apn®. Despite these difficult …

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Raumakustik – unsichtbar, aber unverzichtbar. Schrift auf grüner semitransparenter Fläche. Hintergrund Besprechungsraum-Situation

Room acoustics – invisible, but indispensable

Room acoustics are like invisible ocean currents – we can’t smell, taste, see or touch them. Nevertheless, it has enormous …

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Leerer Raum mit großen Fensterfronten und Blick ins Grüne. Der Raum besteht aus Sichtbeton, an der Decke sind orange Lichtdeckensegel zu sehen. Über dem Bild ist eine semitransparente grüne Fläche gelegt mit der Headline Raum & Akustik

Room & acoustics

Understanding the entirety of the room

A room is much more than just a physical space defined by walls, floors and …

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