Die Rolle der Raumakustik

The role of the Future Corporate Brand

The role of the corporate brand will play an increasingly important role in the future. Flexible work locations and remote work are changing the status of a company’s premises from mere workplaces to tangible places of corporate culture. They serve the meeting and communication between employees as well as customers.

The office becomes a place that attracts, captivates, engages and inspires people again and again. The design of this place plays an important role and it is necessary to implement the identity of the company up to the furniture, up to the details.

Such a place with soul was created by interior designer Imke Stüven in the new customer area of the AKQUINET building at Bramfelder Spitze in Hamburg. With the choice of the interior, she recognized the potential and the peculiarity of this place and created on it a coherent, self-invigorating environment.

The power of each color of the AKQUINET logo is reflected in the selected furniture. In the process, our color-coated apn® Lamella A acoustic baffles blend in with just that.

At the same time, we bring in a tangible environment through our room acoustic solution. Acoustics is more than just the mere absorption of sound. Only those who feel comfortable in a room can let it have an effect on them.

Do you know the phenomenon when snow falls in winter and the world around you becomes more muted and quiet? An inner peace arises within you? To make this feeling tangible in a room is our passion.

Photos: Matthias Engler