Reise. Großer, offener heller Raum mit blauen Wandabsorbern und weißen Akustik-Deckensegeln. Darüber eine grüne semitransparente Fläche mit dem Schriftzug Wissenswertes über uns

Our journey – interesting facts about apn®

In the midst of the economic crisis in 2009, our captain embarked on the journey of apn®. Despite these difficult times, he had a clear vision: to focus entirely on room acoustics. What passed casually through many hands back then – from engineers and architects to carpenters and drywallers – has become our core business.

We recognized the urgent need for a contact person who could cover the entire value chain of a project:
– from planning and engineering
– to in-house production of the acoustic elements
– right through to installation.
This holistic approach was revolutionary at the time.

The idea of focusing on room acoustics has had a lasting impact on the market. In the past, acoustics were often just a secondary aspect of several trades. Today, there are independent acoustics tenders and the importance of room acoustics is perceived and managed very differently by companies.

We are proud to have helped shape this change. The journey full of challenges, insights, successes and innovations is our incentive to continue developing innovative room acoustics solutions in the future – tailored to your needs. With a clear mission for the future, we want to continue to set standards and reform the industry.

It’s about you, your rooms and your companies!