Bauen im Bestand. Rohbau eines alten denkmalgeschützten Gebäudes

Building in existing buildings – our future?

When we discuss construction in existing buildings, we are not only talking about sustainability and resource conservation in the renovation of buildings, but also about the revitalization of spaces. It’s about breathing new life into old buildings and transforming them into modern, functional working environments. A successful transformation of the existing building can significantly increase the acceptance of the workplace.

Room acoustics and space planning

Room acoustics are a key aspect of this. The way sound interacts in a space can have a significant impact on employee wellbeing and productivity. The “Room acoustics 2023” reader survey commissioned by the “Quiet please!” acoustics campaign has shown that poor room acoustics can lead to increased stress and reduced productivity. It is therefore essential to create a pleasant acoustic environment when revitalizing a building.

Space planning in the office is also of crucial importance. It encompasses the efficient use of available space and takes into account aspects such as light, air quality and accessibility as well as flexibility and agility. During the modernization of a building, space planning should aim to create a balanced connection between the existing architectural structure and the future usage and acoustic requirements. Well-designed space planning can promote collaboration and at the same time provide every employee with sufficient space for concentrated work.

The future of working environments

All these aspects are closely interlinked and play a crucial role in creating a productive and pleasant working environment. A well-thought-out office design that takes all these aspects into account can help to create a sustainable and attractive working environment that increases both employee satisfaction and productivity.

For a successful revitalization of working environments, it is an advantage to be involved in a project from the very beginning. As architecture is increasingly turning to resource-saving construction methods, building in existing buildings will be our future.

Well thought-out space planning includes a coherent room acoustics concept and is essential for a successful revitalization. The earlier we are involved in the planning process with our engineering expertise, the better acoustic hurdles can be avoided in advance and holistic concepts can be jointly developed and successfully implemented. This not only leads to high acceptance of the new space, but also to a wow effect.