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New Work needs New Education

New Education and New Work: shaping the future together

The world of work is changing rapidly and the education system must also adapt to this change. “New Education” is the key to fully exploiting the opportunities of hybrid working and learning and forming a strong partnership with “New Work”. Now is the time to actively shape the future of education and work and seize the opportunities of this new era.

Why New Education?

“New Education” goes beyond traditional educational approaches and promotes the development of skills that are essential in the modern working world. These include digital skills, critical thinking and the ability to collaborate in (virtual) teams. These new educational approaches not only support professional development, but also lifelong learning, which is becoming increasingly important in a constantly changing world of work.

The synergy of New Education and New Work

“New Education” and “New Work” are not separate concepts, but complement each other. While “New Education” ensures that learners acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in the new world of work, “New Work” promotes flexible working models and a healthy work-life balance. Together, they create a working and learning environment that is not only efficient, but also sustainable and fulfilling.

Actively shaping the future

It is up to us to actively shape the future of education and work. By integrating the principles of “New Education” and “New Work” into our everyday lives, we can promote a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Let’s seize the opportunities of this new era to create a better, more flexible and inclusive world of work.