Die Crew von apn sitzt an zwei Tischen und wartet auf ihr Mittagessen. Sie unterhalten sich und haben Spaß.

What if …?

Last week, part of our crew embarked on an insightful, exciting and inspiring journey into the future. The colorful mix of office, field service, production and assembly crew members spent two days in an internal workshop dealing with a seminal issue.

Two days, three groups – new paths were explored, visions exchanged and some of the wildest ideas discussed in a variety of creative ways. The result: three different scenarios as to how apn® could develop over the next 10 years.

Although the results were full of contrasts, it became clear to all groups that their visions for the future are based on our strengths

  • Know-how
  • Quality
  • Services


They were insightful, exciting and inspiring days that we will not soon forget and will definitely have an impact on the future of apn®!